It is unknown what specifically causes metabolic syndrome. Insulin resistance is linked to several metabolic syndrome characteristics. The inability of the body to effectively use insulin to reduce levels of glucose and triglycerides is known as insulin resistance. Insulin resistance may be brought on by a mix of lifestyle and genetic factors. Lifestyle variables including eating habits, physical activity, and abnormal sleep patterns, like those associated with obstructive sleep apnea. Unlike many other health abnormalities such as shin splints, which affect mainly the leg muscles, or presbyopia, which only causes vision and eye difficulties, metabolic syndrome is not a stand-alone condition. Indications, Signs, and Therapy Metabolic syndrome, often known as syndrome X, is actually a grouping of five unique physical characteristics that interfere with the body's natural energy production or metabolism. This thus increases the likelihood of developing a number of chronic illnesses, the most common of which are type 2 diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular disease.

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